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Logo - Centrum Pieniądza im. Sławomira S. SkrzypkaLogo - Centrum Pieniądza im. Sławomira S. Skrzypka
ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21
00-919 Warszawa
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July 01, 2024

NBP Money Centre Relaxation Area

In the NBP Money Centre relaxation area, located in the mezzanine, you will find several amenities to allow for a moment of relaxation and chill out. The room was designed to enable visitors to recuperate and enjoy a further tour of our exhibition in comfort. Next to cozy sofas, you can find here a Point of sale of numismatic values, where you can buy collector and commemorative banknotes and coins issued by NBP in recent years. The point of sale is open 11.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

In the relaxation area, we have introduced a drink and snacks vending machine, where you can buy beverages and sweet snacks. The machine accepts payment by cash (coins), chip cards or contactless cards.

We invite you to make use of the vending machine, reminding you that eating and drinking is only allowed in designated areas.  

NBP Money Centre Team