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Privacy Policy

Narodowy Bank Polski, respecting the privacy of users of NBP websites, in accordance with Article 173 of the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 171, item 1800, as amended), would like to inform you that when using these services, “Cookies” technology may be used in relation to users.


What are “cookies”?

“Cookies” are computer data – small text files sent by the website to the internet user’s device (computer, smartphone, tablet etc.) the moment the internet user visits the website. These files make it possible to identify the user’s equipment and adequately display a website tailored to the individual parameters of the device used by the internet user.


What do we use “cookie” files for?

Narodowy Bank Polski uses “cookie” files for the following:
1. to adapt website content to user preferences and to optimise the use of websites,
2. to create anonymous, aggregated statistics that can help better understand how a user uses the websites, and thus improve their structure and content, and at the same time which exclude personal identification of the user.


Removal of “cookies”

Standard web browsers by default make it possible to place “cookies” on the internet users’ equipment. However, internet users’ can independently block the option of storing “cookies” by changing the settings in their web browser. In order to block “cookies” automatically, select in your web browser the option to refuse “cookies”. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling of “cookies” is available in the web browser’s settings. However, it is worth remembering that blocking the use of “cookies” may affect certain functions of the Narodowy Bank Polski website.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that we are not responsible for the privacy policy of the websites to which the links posted on Narodowy Bank Polski’s websites lead. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the rules applicable on these websites when visiting them.

Any changes in the privacy policy of Narodowy Bank Polski will be immediately updated on our website.