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Logo - Centrum Pieniądza im. Sławomira S. SkrzypkaLogo - Centrum Pieniądza im. Sławomira S. Skrzypka
ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21
00-919 Warszawa
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A small lump of ore known as Electrum, a natural alloy of gold and silver, is one of the smallest exhibits presented in the Money Centre. Due to the symbol impressed on this item, it is considered to be one of the first coins in the world. The emergence of this coin is dated back to the middle of the 7th century BC. It is believed to have been put into circulation by one of the Lydian kings of the Mermnad dynasty. The first Lydian electron coins were minted on one side. On their obverse, i.e. the main side of the coin, there was a symbol of power – the head of the Lydian lion. The electron coin at the MC exhibition is a hemihekta (1/12 stater) weighing 1.15 grams. This valuable item is kept in a safe showcase.