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Publications of the NBP Money Center

Krzyżyk do zamykania

Bankoteka - The NBP Money Centre Magazine

Bankoteka is a magazine which has accompanied the establishment of the Sławomir S. Skrzypek NBP Money Centre for several years. Its first task was to report on the progress of work on the facility and bring the idea of its creation closer to visitors via interviews with the authors of the substantive and artistic concept and statements of experts cooperating with NBP in designing the exhibition space. The most interesting exhibits, which can currently be seen in the NBP Money Centre, were also presented in Bankoteka. The magazine also unveiled the architectural backstage of the emerging Money Centre, publishing visualizations and photos from the implementation of subsequent stages of the works.

So far, thirty issues of Bankoteka have appeared in Polish, English and Russian versions. Three issues of the magazine were devoted to the subject of temporary exhibitions prepared in the hall of the NBP Regional Branch in Warszawa – on the history of Polish and American central banking, the reforms of Władysław Grabski, and the wartime fate of the gold reserves of Bank Polski. The last special issue of Bankoteka was devoted to the exhibition “The history of money”.
Archive issues of Bankoteka can be downloaded as a PDF after clicking on the images below.

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 27
Published: 3rd Q 2021

Bankoteka Issue No. 27

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 26
Published: 2nd Q 2021

Bankoteka Issue No. 26

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 25
Published: 1st Q 2021

Bankoteka Issue No. 25

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 24
Published: 2nd Q 2020

Bankoteka Issue No. 24

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 23
Published: 3rd Q 2020

Bankoteka Issue No. 23

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 22
Published: 2nd Q 2020

Bankoteka Issue No. 22

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 21
Published: 1st Q 2021

Bankoteka Issue No. 21

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 15
Published: 3rd Q 2018

Bankoteka Issue No. 15

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 14
Published: 2nd Q 2018

Bankoteka Issue No. 14

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 13
Published: 1st Q 2018

Bankoteka Issue No. 13

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 12
Published: 4rd @ 2017

Bankoteka Issue No. 12

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 11
Published: 93rd Q 2017

Bankoteka Issue No. 11

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 10
Published: 2nd Q 2017

Bankoteka Issue No. 10

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 9
Published: 1st Q 2017

Bankoteka Issue No. 9

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 8
Published: October 2016

Bankoteka Issue No. 8

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Special Edition Dzieje Złotego
Published: September 2018

Bankoteka Special Edition Dzieje Złotego

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 7
Published: April 2016

Bankoteka Issue No. 7

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Special Issue The wartime fate of the Polish gold
Published: September 2014

Bankoteka Special Issue The wartime fate of the Polish gold

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Special Issue: The history of central banking – Poland and the USA
Published: December 2013

Bankoteka Special Issue: The history of central banking – Poland and the USA

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 4
Published: August 2015

Bankoteka Issue No. 4

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No.2
Published: June 2013

Bankoteka Issue No.2

Zdjęcie Magazyn - Bankoteka Issue No. 1
Published: October 2012

Bankoteka Issue No. 1